St. Anthony Students Receive High-Tech High Honor

Students Named Best Private High School Team in Cyber Patriot Competition


San Antonio – April 4, 2023 – St. Anthony Catholic High School (SACHS) is proud to announce that its Cyber Patriot team of students was named Best Private High School Team at this year’s Cyber Patriot Competition. The Cyber Patriot program is a national cyber security competition for middle school and high school students and is run by the U.S. Air Force. The program aims to better prepare students for a career in cyber security. The competition took place from November to December, 2022, and the team was notified about their award in February, 2023.

“I am very proud of our incredible Cyber Patriots team for earning this prestigious honor and recognition,” says SACHS Principal Dr. Kristina Vidaurri. “Our Cyber Patriots team began just four years ago and the team has been very committed to competing in nationwide competitions and learning everything they can to further establish our team. Having a Cyber Patriots team that is flourishing is a reflection of the caliber of students we have that can contribute to a career that is in critical demand for our nation’s future.”

The Cyber Patriot team is made up of Jake Crane, Jeffrey Zinsmeyer, George Kels, Angel Sahagun, John Reed and Fintan Villanueva-Delaney.  They have been led by Social Studies teacher Adrian Ayala and mentors Joe Longoria and Charles Zinsmeyer.

18 year-old senior SACHS student Jeffrey Zinsmeyer says he joined Cyber Patriots because he always had an interest in working with computers. Three years later, he says he will forever be thankful for the lessons he has learned and the friends he has made.

Zinsmeyer says, “What I would like to say to my advisors and my teammates about my experience is that, first, I would like to congratulate them on all their hard work that they have put into the club. The countless hours we have spent working and being there for the club when it needed help the most. I would also like to say that I am so grateful for the 3 years of experiences with all the members of the club and all the learning opportunities that the club opened up for me. Without this club, I would not be the person that I am today.”

During the Cyber Patriot Competition the competitors are tested on OS knowledge, Windows, Linux distribution, Server knowledge and Sisco knowledge. The SACHS team has finished in the top 25% in the nation consistently over the past four years and last year’s team finished in the top 5% in the nation.


MEDIA CONTACT: Michael Valdes, Media and Public Relations Manager, Office of Communications & Brand Marketing, (210) 829-6001, (210) 422-4052 or [email protected]

St. Anthony Catholic High school is a college-preparatory school for young men and women, grades 9 through 12.  Established in 1903, SACHS prepares students for positions of responsibility and leadership through a college preparatory curriculum based on Catholic values and traditions. SACHS is proud to partner with the University of the Incarnate Word in the Brainpower Connection. The program provides SACHS students with a faith-based pathway from high school through college and beyond. Find out more at

